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toyota prius中文是什么意思

用"toyota prius"造句"toyota prius"怎么读"toyota prius" in a sentence


  • 丰田prius


  • Modeling and simulation of hybrid drive system on the toyota prius based on bond graph
  • Plug - in hybrids store electric energy from the power grid to run more often in all - electric mode than a toyota prius
  • Toyota prius is the first hybrid car to be tested by euro ncap , is one of eight cars to achieve the top five star occupant rating and gets the highest rating for child protection , proving that cars can be lean , green and safe
  • Secondly , introduce the basic theory of the bond graph , show out the advantage of simulating the characters of multi - power and multi - type of hev using bond graph . in order to test this point , i analyze the driving system of honda insight and toyota prius based on the application of bond graph , and establishes the mathematic models . the matlab / simulink is used to visual programming it
    为了用事实来进一步说明使用键合图理论对混合动力电动汽车系统建模的优越性,我们使用键合图理论对两种典型的混合动力电动汽车:本田的insight和丰田的prius进行了分析,分别建立了键合图模型,并通过matlab simulink软件进行了可视化编程。
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